These Fish Are Happy

But How Do You Know That?

One day Zhuangzi and Huizi are strolling on Bridge Hao.
Zhuangzi : "Look how happy the fish are just swimming around in the river."
Huizi : "How do you know they are happy? You are not a fish."
Zhuangzi: "And you are not me. How do you know I don't know the fish are happy?"
Huizi: "Of course I'm not you, and I don't know what you think;
But I do know that you're not a fish,
and so you couldn't possibly know the fish are happy."
Zhuangzi: "Look, when you asked me how I knew the fish were happy,
you already knew that I knew the fish were happy.
I knew it from my feelings standing on this bridge.

by Zhuangzi [Chuang Tze] 莊子《秋水篇》 tr. Brian Bruya


Friday, March 28, 2008

China Bar-B-Que Now

Britain's early spring was chilled by heavy snowfalls and icy temperatures over March. However, it didn't influence the opening night of China Design Now at the Victoria & Albert Museum on 12 March. People say that China design has never been more important than now. However, I feel the exhibition design is much more impressive than exhibit items. The event was a great success thanks to the wonderful BBQ and Bar provided by HSBC and V&A. A great job well done by Zhang Hongxing & Lauren Parker.

Note: "Barbecue" actually comes from the French phrase "barbe à queue", meaning "from beard to tail."